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Enigmata Tree House
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Maubog, Balbagaon, Mambajao, Camiguin Island

enigmata treehouseEnigmata Treehouse Galeri, originally known as Tarzan's Nest Resort, is nestled among the greens and hills of the enchanting Camiguin Island in Mindanao, Philippines, home to a hundred waterfalls.

Built by musician Ben Aicha, Enigmata is now home to a group of vibrant Mindanao artists called the Enigmata Creative Circle, led by Talaandig musician and visual artist Waway Linsahay Saway.

The treehouse, now managed by Creative Activator Rosalie "Ross" Zerrudo, is "art in its purest art form." The captivating "golden" sculpture Enigman molded by prolific sculptor Kublai Millan leads the way to the treehouse resort.

Enigmata Vision

A community with deep cultural understanding, appreciation and concern for the environment that serves as a unifying character as one people towards a sustainable lifestyle

enigmata statue frontEnigmata Mission

To open the eyes of people through biodiversity and art education (through popular media for the conservation of art and culture in Mindanao ) as a venue to develop deeper sense of relationship with nature, responsibility and accountability of the world's resources


Camiguin as a sustainable community, its population having a high level of awareness about their natural environment, and capacitated in the sustainable utilization of the island's resources through environment protection and conservation


  • Increase the level of awareness of educators and students about the environment to facilitate responsive conservation programs
  • Build the capacity of the community and stakeholders in protecting and conserving the environment, and in the sustainable utilization of its resources as it relates to their livelihood according to the low impact Ecotourism practice
  • Strengthen partnership between the academe, business establishments, government agencies and community
  • Strengthen land and marine biodiversity conservation and protection with other stakeholders in the Ecotourism industry
  • Promote Integrated Ecotourism Development through arts and culture focused on biodiversity conservation
  • Strengthen volunteerism in schools and community for biodiversity research, documentation and conservation
  • Establish local and international networks for solidarity and cooperation


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